We pray, give, send, and go to bring the gospel to every tribe, tongue, and nation.
Plant New Churches
We are committed to discovering, developing, and deploying church planters to establish new churches.
Establish Global Partnerships
We are committed to establishing strategic partnerships around the world as we pursue Kingdom progress. Our partners are committed to church planting, training pastors, and developing leaders.
Participate in Projects
We recognize that many of our global partners and new church plants need help with compassion and humanitarian efforts. We are committed to helping local pastors identify, fund, and participate in appropriate projects.
Igreja Aviva, our church partner in Criciuma, Brazil, has planted a new congregation in Icara and a new church in Palhoca. We help these churches by training leaders, developing ministries, and engaging the unreached people of their cities.
Ambaricho International Prayer and Missions is an Ethiopian-based sending organization supporting indigenous Ethiopian missionaries to reach the last unreached people groups throughout the horn of Africa. We’re partnered in micro-enterprise solutions, such as dairy and poultry projects, to support the training and sending of 200 missionaries throughout the region.
We’re partnered with Iglesia Nueva Esperanza, located on the island of Roatan, to equip the church, impact its community, and plant more churches. Many have come to faith in Christ and are being mobilized to disciple youth and young adults throughout the island.
In the cities of Santo Tomas and Le Grecia, we have trained church planters who have established new churches; Iglesia Biblica Shalom and Iglesia Biblica de la Gracia. Our efforts are focused on strengthening these churches, training men to lead, reaching young people, and resourcing all discipleship ministries.
Our partner church in Cluj, Biserica Deo Gloria, also exists to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We support this church in their development of leaders and disciples, and their efforts to reach their city through compassion and outreach ministries.
Our short-term teams are sent to provide support, encouragement, and development to further gospel impact in the nations where we are partnered.
We understand that as we make disciples, God will call and appoint members of our church family to go and serve globally. We send and support global workers through training, partnerships, and financial assistance. An application and assessment process is available for current and prospective global workers interested in partnering with us. Contact us below to learn more.
We are God’s people, stewarding God’s resources on his mission. We budget for global missions and have an established missions fund whereby our church family can give above and beyond their regular offerings toward the work of advancing the gospel around the world.
God is at work among the nations. Hear the stories of his great work as we pursue Kingdom progress across the globe.