We are a church to the nations.
From the earliest years of Christ Church, we have sent members of our church family to the nations.
Teams are organized by congregation.
Be in prayer as we build short-term teams. If you are not able to go this ministry year, look for ways to pray for, encourage, and give so that others from our church family can be sent.
Contact us at missions@christaz.org if you have questions.
2025 Summer Mission Trips
South Asia | May 13–23
All Campuses
Join us for a transformative trip in the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountains. We are partnered with a network of nineteen churches ministering among nomadic, tribal Hindu peoples. Be ready to hike and travel long distances to villages where we will share the gospel house-to-house, pray for life-change throughout the country, and serve the practical needs of the people. We will also be sharing the good news of Jesus with youth and young adults as we host events and gatherings. Time on the trip will be given to examining global missions and the call to send or go.
Cost: Flight + $1,900
Focus: Unreached People Groups
Trip Leader: Kirk VanMaanen
Application Deadline: February 10
Nicaragua | June 20–27
Gilbert Only
We have been committed to planting churches in Nicaragua since 2020. Five churches have been planted and God is on the move saving and maturing disciples. We will travel to Chontales, Nicaragua and encourage the churches. This region is rural and livestock and fishing based. Two churches have been planted in Santo Tomas and San Pedro. This is where you will join us. We will walk alongside the church to finish some work projects, intentionally enter the community by meeting physical needs, and preach the gospel village by village, bringing help and hope in Jesus’ name.
Cost: Flight + $1,200
Focus: Construction, Outreach, and Evangelism
Trip Leader: Fernando and Celina Aguirre
Application Due Date: March 10
Honduras | June 28–July 5
Peoria Only
New Hope Church in Oakridge Roatan, Honduras was planted in 2021. The Lord has done great things in this church. An island in the Caribbean about 40 miles off the northern coast of Honduras, Oakride is situated on the east end of the island. Steeped in poverty and religion, there are many needs but the greatest need is lostness. God is saving his people and gathering them together under one name. Join us as we engage the community through development work in rural areas having no electricity, water, or plumbing. Imagine hiking into dense forests, praying over people, assessing their conditions, and meeting practical needs. We will also be hosting evening seminars in the church for youth, men, and women.
Cost: Flight + $1,200
Focus: Outreach and Evangelism
Trip Leader: Shaun Rade
Application Due Date: March 10
Q: Who can go on these trips?
A: Trips are open to any believer who regularly attends the Christ Church campus offering the trips and who can commit to the participant agreement and funding guidelines for each trip.
Q: How do you go?
A: Fill out the short-term missions trip application and we will connect with you. Once confirmed for the trip, you’ll raise funds, if necessary, to cover the cost of your trip (support donated by friends and family on your behalf is a tax-deductible donation to Christ Church).
Q: What is covered in the trip price?
A: Lodging, in-country transportation, and in-country food. A portion of the funds also helps support team project efforts.
Q: What if I am undecided, but am strongly considering going on one of the trips?
A: We’d love to have you apply. Filling out the application doesn’t obligate you to go on the trip, it just allows us to know that you’re interested and start the conversation.
Q: After I complete this form, what’s the next step?
A: You’ll be contacted by our global missions team to discuss trip details, define your interest in joining the team, and confirm that you will be part of the trip.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to Kirk VanMaanen at missions@christaz.org.