Together through the Bible
Together through the Bible is a five-day reading schedule that helps you read the entire Bible through in a year. The Bible is arguably the most influential book throughout world history, and for Christians, it’s the infallible word of God. That is why we are excited to encourage as many people as we can to join with us in the Five-Day Bible Reading Schedule in 2025.
How to Participate
READ ON THE CHRIST CHURCH APP. You can follow the plan by using the Christ Church App, clicking on Bible, and choosing Plan. From there, you can read each day’s reading. If you would prefer a hard copy of the plan, you can download a PDF of the plan here.
LISTEN TO THE WEEKLY HIGHLIGHT. At the end of each week, you can listen to highlights from what you’ve read that week. The recordings are approximately seven minutes in length and offer insights, points for application, tips for reading, and more. You can access these weekly recordings in the church app by selecting the ‘More’ button, tapping on ‘Media’ and choosing your campus.
Helpful Thoughts on Reading Scripture
Why a five-day Plan?
The five-day plan makes reading through the Bible in a year manageable for busy schedules. Yearly plans that require daily reading, day after day, can be a barrier. Missing days can add up quickly with little opportunity to catch up. The five day plan provides flexibility every week to skip reading or to catch up on days that you miss.
Why Chronological?
Reading through the Bible chronologically helps readers to see the unfolding of history as God creates and redeems mankind. This is reading the Bible as it was lived. It shows a narrative flow in the Word that is not evident in other reading plans or methods of study. In the 5-day reading plan, the Old Testament is read chronologically with the exception of Job, which is the last book to read in the plan. The New Testament is not read chronologically, but rather begins with books containing short chapters (which helps as you begin the habit of daily reading) and is broken up so that there are regular readings about Jesus throughout the year.
Why is reading through the entire Bible important?
Reading through the Bible helps you to see the big picture of redemptive history. It helps you to go to places in the Word of God that you typically won’t turn, helping you to learn more about God and his works. Reading through the Bible can help you establish a daily discipline of meeting with God through his Word and gives you the opportunity to submit your heart to the whole counsel of God.
How should I approach reading the Bible?
The Bible is a book about God. Read through the Bible to learn about God, his character, his purposes, promises, and ways. Three simple questions to ask as you are reading are:
What does it say? What does it mean? How should I respond/apply what I learned?
What do I do if I fall behind?
Each week we’ll provide the Weekly Highlights audio segment. This resource will recap the week’s reading and give additional insights to the passages read. This resource is meant to encourage you along the way, bring greater insight to what you’ve read, and serve as a recap if you fall behind. We are certain that “life will happen” during the course of the year. Rather than giving up, simply listen to the Weekly Highlights to catch up, and begin reading with the next week’s reading.